Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hello again, update on what I'm doing. I am now studying for my ACE Personal Trainer certification. When I pass that test I will take the ACE Lifestyle & Weight Management certification. After all that I want to get my ACSM cert too. I've decided not to instruct Boogie Box classes as I don't think my Type 1 diabetes lets me get away with teaching hour long really fast and really hard dance classes. It's like Karate which I have a black belt in, but Karate Katas in Karate are fine, but imagine doing them 1000 times faster and you will get what I would have to teach for an hour each day. Try Boogie Box and you will see what I mean. I used to teach Kenpo and that pace is just fine with me. Plus with my husband being a Orthopedic doctor and a chiropractor I have a gead start on the knowledge needed for the ACE cert. I found a great blog about ACE from a guy who keeps updating his posts so I'm going to take his advice to the T.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Well it's about time to update my blog. I'm going to be starting the class for Boogie Box instructors next Tuesday in Paco's class. Supposedly he will really give the instructors s**t when they do any little move wrong when we have to instruct 2 songs in each of those classes. But I guess that's good, I know I'll definitely catch some you know what. I've been going to Boogie Box every day, my muscles are aching like crazy daily. Well also because I work out with weights and take my dog Shaq on 2 to 5 mile runs/walks a day.

Having Celiac disease has been okay, I need to cook more Gluten Free items and since I am a pretty awesome cook (I would love to be a professional chef) I might as well start making sugar free AND Gluten Free meals. Considering I also have Type 1 diabetes I have to use Splenda or Stevia in my cooking instead of sugar which is bad for people anyway. Also Gluten free is MUCH healthier! Sure, whole grain wheat is great for those wanting to eat healthier, but who needs all those carbs?

I've been thinking a lot about my fitness modeling and the fact that I gained weight since I had all those surgeries (from being too active!) and now that I'm losing it I will have to get back into modeling in a different way, more like modeling being fit and how to exercise right and eat right. Since I've been on my new Thyroid medication Cytomel. I have been consistently losing weight AND been a lot happier, but then again they prescribe it to people for depression too! ha ha. I never had that......at least I don't think so.

Today is a gloomy day, supposed to rain after being so beautiful the past few days. I think I won't go to Boogie Box this evening as my muscles really need a break. I'll update my blog soon! Have a great day!

Monday, March 23, 2009

I have the flu...again URGH

Well I guess it's been a few days since I've posted anything new. I've been sick since alst Wednesday. That sucks because I really wanted to get my 3 days in at least this week in Boogie Box. I can barely keep my head up to type this and today I take my last dose of Zithromax. Hopefully I'll get better this week so I can make up the lost days of Boogie Box. But at least since bring on the new thyroid medication I have consistantly lost at least 1 pound a day! Whoopie! I think my metabolism is finally getting back to normal! No more freezing hands and feet, no more getting cold a little too much and I actually have more energy, even with this flu!

I need to go take a nap now so I'll write more later.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Boogie Box Round 2

In Boogie Box today we did the whole Round 2! I find it actually easier then round 1, unless it's just the fact that my doctor finally put me on Cytomel and Levothyroxine instead of just Levothyroxine. I have to take those pills for my Hypothyroidism. Yes I have that too. Bummer. But since I eat hardly anything and when I do it's all clean, and I work out like crazy every day and I haven't lost enough weight yet the doctor thinks I may be lacking on my T3 as I was just taking T4 before and I need both. Wish we weight loss luck!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Check out my fellow Test Group friend: Kerrie's Blog

Well Dede had a guy film the class on Monday night...or was that last Wednesday? Oh sheesh, my memory is going! Anyway, I hope the videos from that come out soon! I was in the front of the class, good thing I had my hair down and makeup on! ha ha. Scary. Oh and the camera makes people look 10 pounds heavier, oh my, can't wait to see that, right. Today I was beat in class, I worked out in the home gym after I got back from class last night and my legs actually started to give out on me today in class, I sweated up a storm too, lovely.

A nice lady in class named Kerrie Buncher gave me information on a book called Fiber 35 here's Kerries link to her blog: http://www.kerriesblog.com/ , it's a book about eating at least 35 grams of fiber a day. Pretty good info in it and after talking to Kerrie and Maria about....Lentils I went to Trader Joes and got some. Also bought some Almond Butter for use on Celery instead of peanut butter. Almond butter was great! I just need some recipes for those Lentils. They didn't taste so terrific with just spray margarine and a little salt. Yuck. Any ideas?

Monday, March 9, 2009

Lost more then 4lbs in 4 days!

Hello again! I'm feeling much better today considering I've been losing over a pound a day! I believe it's from all that water I drank (not smart that I drank it all right before I was measured for the month!!) duhr. But since last Thursday I've lost over 4lbs! WOW, that 9lbs of water really made me gain water weight. I have wore out my ipod....again...and need to get another one so I can track how many miles we all go in Boogie Box. I'll use my husbands ipod tonight and tomorrow and let everyone know tomorrow afternoon how far we went in class. And

here's another silly picture of me in October 2008 running the Long Beach International Marathon. See, I'm always trying to lose weight! Luckilly I've lost 15lbs since then.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Weight Loss & Boogie Box in March

I wonder if drinking a gallon of water a day is such a great idea. I mean it weighs what? 9 lbs? I really doubt if I've peed 9 lbs worth of water even in 2 days! I heard that people are only supposed to really drink when they are thirsty and also before, during and after exercise. That's my plan for now on. I've also decided to start working out 4 hours a day. I need to lose weight and if that's what I have to do, I'm going to do it! See this picture? It's me at a Max Muscle store as I was on Team Max Muscle signing autographs along with the guy next to me (his name is Clark Bartram)...he loves himself a lot! ha ha. Anyway, that again is a picture of me at my goal weight. In this picture I was 132 lbs.